News Example
The news Fluid templates have not been touched for this example. Only TypoScript is used to wrap the News plugin content element with a Turbo Frame.
Note, that the URL is updated in the browser, the back button is working properly and the title of the browser window is updated as well.
Example News (within a Turbo Frame)
Topwire will be available soon
Ad natoque fermentum nam ultrices posuere nascetur tristique adipiscing, felis tellus bibendum rhoncus velit sit dolor consequat blandit, metus per potenti aliquam congue nunc tincidunt. Per blandit lorem euismod porta diam dictumst risus dictum, cursus eleifend adipiscing class magna habitasse mattis, dignissim venenatis ornare odio habitant sapien faucibus. Duis dis nunc diam litora cursus semper curabitur class elementum tristique, ultricies maecenas rhoncus ipsum vivamus egestas sollicitudin pellentesque.